Wednesday, April 16, 2014

One State Completed

Waking at my usual time, I started my shuffling.  I knew today'd be cold, wet, with a chance of sun.  I so anticipated getting out that I forgot my cheese in the fridge at Top of Georgia Hostel.

I caught a lift to the trailhead.  Rain fell gently.  I paced the first couple of miles with another fast hiker.  Then I was on my own.  I took shelter from the rain at Plum Orchard shelter for a snack.

I continued on into the mist.  Two hours later Rocky passed on his daily southbound loop.  He said I was close to the border.

Mist and a steep up hill awaited for me.  I reached the tree with the NC/GA sign.  I hollered and booted.  Soon a few other hikers showed.  They too celebrated. I wanted to make a taco of peanut butter and jerky.

I continued on, taking another shelter from.the rain at Muskrat shelter.  I heard a group of 6 had moved on to Standing Indian shelter.  With the weather breaking I hoped it would entice others to move on.

I enjoyed some free hiking.  The weather was slightly sunny but cold.  I arrived the next shelter just behind two others.  Not enough room for two but a squeeze for one.  The temp tonight is due to be 20 degrees.  I'm thankful for the squeeze.

I shook my wet clothes.  Unloaded the ruck and fetched water.  Cooking in thus shelter is nice for the huge awning.  No picnic table to flip but lots of hanging gear to dodge.

Time to look at the guide for tomorrow and see what's in store.  I'd like to see the forecast.

1 comment:

Zachary Murphy said...

Brian just shot out a team email updating everyone on where you are. Sounds like you have had quite the adventure. Keep it up and know that our thoughts are with you.