Saturday, April 10, 2010

Not Responsible

A late phone call and a fast email from Mr Luckau put me at the final rehearsal of Proletariat Theatre's production of 'Not Responsible.' Mr Luckau is a social worker and a producer, combined together he approaches touchy subjects. This play directly addresses Date Rape.

During the first part of the rehearsal I did not know what the content of this play was. It was only during the last few moments I clued in. I'd already chosen to under expose my images. In reviewing them I see I made the right choice. It is a dark social subject.

The play itself lasts approximately 35 minutes and is followed by a time of question and answer. Counselors and resources are available for those who have further questions or concerns.

I asked for 'The Slap' to be redone once I saw the dancing shadows. The shadows make this impersonal enough that it could be anyone at anytime. Her flying hair with his open palm adds further impact of the degradation of date rape.

If you or someone you know experienced RAPE in any form or means, do not delay... get help. There are many services available to you and for the person you know. Your information will be kept confidential. Do contact your local 'Rape Recovery Center,' your local 'Womens Resource Center,' or call the non-emergency number of your local police department and ask for their counseling department.

Which ever method you chose, get help.

Rape Recovery Center

Women's Resource Center at the University of Utah

Proletariat Theatre

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