Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Final Details

My goal was to leave right after work.  I said goal, only because I knew it wouldn't happen as the little details would need attention up to the last moments .  Final check the car, play with the electronics, clean the house, all needed to get done this week.
One or two little huge details also needed to be resolved.  The itinerary is finally finalized.  I'm sending it to the ground crew tonight.  The final big concern, where to park, got tied up just yesterday.  Google Maps, as awesome as it is, does not cover all.  I played phone tag with one Tahoe area business which lead me to another which resulted in another call.  The final call put me in touch with a group that runs a State Park off the Mt Rose Highway.  Parking was a concern right feom the beginning.   I gave this group:s representative my plates and dates.  He also gave some final tips, thank you.
The attached photo gives good reason not to trust Google explicitly. This image is from a dirt track off of Sheep Creek Raod, Spanish Fork Canyon.  Yes, I say this as I write a message on G-mail to post to Blog Spot, both Google products.  The key here is never stop doing research and to use a variety of resources in planning, stay flexible throughout the entire process ready to adapt even while executing the plan.
My final, final items today will be to wrap up the ruck, pack the car, and to make sure I have not included any unplanned weight while not cutting myself short on needed items like fresh batteries in the SPOT and headlamp. Oh what else am I forgetting already?
Hike On!

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