Sunday, July 21, 2019

Hat Rim

The alarm sounded just once.  I thrust my had towards my phone to turn it off so as not to wake the other hikers at 5 am.  A glow greated me on the horizon as my attention turned to letting air out of my pad.  I worked quickly and hopefully quietly to get an early start on the trail.

I had nero'd to Burney Falls Guest Ranch two night prior.  I had thought about zeroing at the State Park but, one evening there was enough for me.  I needed hiker not tourist to chill with.  Don't get me wrong Burney Falls is a great place to visit.

I lounged around at the Ranch, ate my extra food, stretched a bit, and joined other hikers hanging out.  The couple who own it cater to hikers in the summer and groups, namely church groups, the rest of the year.  5 years ago it wasn't a place to stop, now it's an oasis in the desert.

I hoisted my ruck ladden with 4 litters of water.  22 miles of potential dry if the water cache at forest road 22 wasn't full.  I made sure I only carried 2 1/2 days of food.  Old Station is my next stop 44 odd miles away.

The trail went down into a creek bottom and back up.  Going up I crossed into black lava beds studded with pinion and ponderosa pines.  Then the climbing began.  300 feet up a cliff band through a few well placed switchbacks followed by gentle up hill for many miles.  Views of Lassen and Shasta were continuous.

I downed the last of my 2 litters in Smartwater bottles just before the cache.  The cache is next to a corral where there is also another tank for cows.  Hikers lounged under the trees seeking share from the heat.  I found a solitary unoccupied tree.  Dropped my pack and got my water filter out.  The hiker tank, filled earlier in the week.

The Katydin BeFree filter bag, I have, holds 3 liters.  I filled it, returned to my place, did my filtering but, did not let that last liter go to waste.  I drank it.  I kicked off the shoes for a nap after lunch.

I awoke to the clamoring of NoBo's heading out.  I too got ready.  I did speak with a few for a bit.

The afternoon sun at 2 PM blazed down.  I still had 8 miles and some up to go.  My down began at the Forest Service's communication's tower that consisted of a few repeaters and j-pole antennas.  I do recall seeing a microwave and digital antenna too.  A sign hung on the fence telling what the gear is for, local and emergence communications.

I picked my way down trail trying not to check the Guthook app.  The way was treeless until a mile odd before my goal. Getting to the shade of trees was one goal.  The other was to Lost Creek junction where a few campsites and water is at.

I got there with a final swig of water from the bottles, nasty hot.  I set up camp and took a few swigs from the 2 liter bladder bottle I had.  That too warm but, not hot.

The creek lay 300 feet down a loose and rocky trail.  The water, ice cold and gushing.  I knew why few people chose to route down here.  Did I say it was also step? Yup, steep, sandy, rocky, and 1/4 mile off trail.   By the time I got back up, the water had warmed significantly.

I wrapped up my chores, let myself raid the food bag for my favorite dinner, dehydrated beef strogganoff with extra garlic.  I fixed some instant pudding, just add water.  For some reason I did not do tea as I normally do when fixing a hot soak meal.

I looked at the miles made, less the water, just a bit over 24.  Not bad, doing half my age in miles.  Oh, yeah, the day I hiked most of the Hat Rim was my B-day.

The alarm didn't ring but, something caught my attention and it wasn't cattle that roamed freely here.  I saw the sun's glow on the horizon and quicky got up.  Though chily, I didn't put on any layers as hiking would warm me and soon the heat would over take the chill.

Thankfully, all down hill.  I spied many a good sunrise photo.  Looking back I finally saw Mt Shasta bathed in pink of sunrise.  Soon I'll loose site of Shasta which's been a constant companion over the last few weeks.

I dropped into the Old Station area.  Went to the Subway Cave, my glasses did not adjust to the dark and my headlamp wasn't as bright as I thought, needless to say I did not do this1/4 mile under ground tour.

At the Old Station Fillup, I got settled in for my nero.  First by putting my pack by the picnic table. Next by going to JJ's Cafe for lunch.  Finally, I got my resupply and REI order.

Resupplying, yeah, the art of figuring out what you have, what you shipped yourself, and what you want to pack out for food.  Then how to cram it all into the food bag after supplementing it with items purchased from the quickmart.  I'm packing out 5 days plus a little extra.  My plans called for 18 mile days.  I am doing many 20/25's.  This next leg it another 88 sprint.

My REI order is a new pair of treads.  The shoes I use wear out after 300 to 400 miles.  I need to find something a bit more durable and with a bit more cushioning.  The heels take a pounding on the rocks.

I need to punch through Lassen National Park in one day as I do not have the appropriate bear canister.  I have the Ursack which is a bear resistant device, approved for use in other areas.  I'll get out of here late tomorrow, camp at the Park's edge, blast some miles, and camp near Drakebad Guest Ranch on the otherside.

Note to self, insert ear plugs.  I perceive it's going to be sleepless otherwise.

I am doing some video but, it will not be posted until after the hike and a lot of editing.

Hike On, Hike Wise.

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