Saturday, July 27, 2019

Down to Beldon

Connecting Lassen NP to Beldon went straight forward, do miles, watch MT Lassen disappear.  One thing about section hiking is I never see to get my trail legs.  This section proved that true.  My legs began to ache.   I slowed my pace from 20/25's to 15/20's.  This helped with the aches.  I started stretching at longer breaks.

Crossing PCT mile 1325 on Wednesday was bittersweet.  I think this was the hardest ache of all.  Had I completed Washington last year this would be my halfway point too.  I stayed just shy of it the night before.  A few Nobo's stayed too, talking around a campfire about how awesome it was to be halfway.  I'll get my halfway somewhere else down the trail.

Tonight I'm off the trail 1/3rd a mile but, within 2 miles of Beldon CA.  Dropping into this section I hit the worst of the PCT trail ever. This section looks near abandoned.  I didn't know if I was walking on stream bed or trail, the markers are few.  There are many downs and the last time a chainsaw was up here, I'd say 2 years ago towards the lower part.  Parts of the trail is borderline washing away. Okay, one section is gone through a ravine, a car sized boulder is just down stream of the trail. Towards the bottom, here comes the poison oak.  It's everywhere.  Poor trail equals my attitude sinking.  If a good trail crew got up here, I recon 2 years minimum just to clear it and 3 more to get it up above minimum standards.  Sorry no photos, I was to busy making sure I didn't get lost or break anything.

Some boy scouts help old ladies cross streets, not this one.  On one of three crossings of the Chips Creek (river), I spooked a hundred butterflies and scared an old lady who'd watched for Nobo's, not a SoBo, sitting there for 2 hours.  She promised her kids she wouldn't do anything sketchy without someone watching here.  I changed to the Crocks and crossed.  After setting my pack down, I waited for her to cross.  For me this wasn't anything but to her it was a big deal. The river was a bit wider and had a few to many slick rocks without a dry way to pass. A few minutes later we parted company.  I had lunch and later passed her by.  I anticipate I will not see her again.

Beldon has a music festival going on.  I've heard mixed info on how they treat PCT hikers. I may grab my resupply and scoot somewhere else for a zero day.

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