Thursday, July 18, 2019

Burney Falls

Black Swifts dart in and out of the falls, sporadic movements to get bugs.  Water rushing over the cliffside and out of the watertable greets visitors to this tight canyon.

I pushed 20 plus miles a day to get here from Castle Crags.  The miles were over good treadway with some long up/down hills.  At the bottom of Squaw Valley Creek, McCloud River, and Deer Creek, I need to pay attention to poison oak.  Those areas are carpeted with the nasty stuff.  Luckily I haven't obtained a rash from brushing up against it.

I've run into Nobos who've done the Sierra's.  Any patch of snow now is laughable to them.  Any climb is but, a small step.  Several of them have continued to hike together while some are parting ways.

I'm still hiking solo.  Meeting others at campsites like Gold Creek, aka crazy deer camp, or Burney Falls General Store gives me time to connect with others.

Last night I stayed in the State Park, did some sinking washing, and chilled with an ecliptic group.  Aaron from the Bay Area, is riding a mountain bike through NorCal on a mix of forest service roads.  He fried up eggs on his alcohol stove this morning.   An Auzzie joined us, her Dad hiked the AT last year and she didn't like all of his stories so she came to the PCT.  Also had a NoBo who is getting off trail for a few days for a family fishing trip.

If you're wondering why I don't include people photos, it's 'cus I find them a bit intrusive.  I'll let others take my photo but, I don't like to take their's.  It's an odd thing about me.

Ah, crazzy deer camp, on the Guthook's app some have noted there is a deer who steals gear (mostly sweat laden) and bluff charges tents.  The night I was there we had 10 odd in camp.  She came around once or twice to the tent on the outskirts.  Gold Creek is technically on private property of a forest goods corporation, access is granted to hikers by way of PCT Association agreements.  It's also the only reliable water source for several miles in either direction.  We camped on an abandoned roadway.

I am taking a wierd set of nero's around Burney Falls.  Arrived yesterday around noon.  Pushing out to Burney Falls Guest Ranch today.   Then hitting the Hat Rim, a volcanic area, either tomorrow or the day after.  It's 20 odd miles without water and hot.  This after all middle of summer, duh, thanks to Utah's summer heat this shouldn't be much of an issue.  I've had longer dry, hot, and uneven stretches in Oregon.

I hope this image does justice to the falls.

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