Sunday, July 15, 2018


Another iShipment email hits my inbox. My food is hitting the trail before I do.  Yet, doubt lingers behind the veil of excitement.  Kingsbury Grade NV, along the Tahoe Rim Trail, the PO said my package arrived.  In reality as I went to the shop that June,  my food was down at the post office in Stateline.  I didn't eat much on the first leg and made a quick breakfast grab at the grocer in Tahoe City thus I didn't need much to get me through the next section of the TRT, Kingsbury Grade to Mt Rose.

My doubt is strong but, I refuse to call as last year many of the shops I've sent resupply to are small proprietor, Ma/Pa type places and a phone call from potientially hundreds of hikers confirming addresses can eat into their limited time to make a buck, a living.  I trust the info from the resupply guides as accurate.  Yet, what if my resupply is sitting in a different town like what happened on the TRT? I don't have the luxury of time to get to a grocer.  I'll resupply with what is avail then move on.

Doubt of the plan and info is the one part of the plan that really makes me nervous.  At the sametime, with the unknown comes adventure.

A late night chat the other night opened or rather forewarned me of the possibility of lingering snow in some areas that may present issues.  How can this be?  I see eleven thousand foot peaks outside my door that are snow free.  The Northern Cascades however, the Wasatch are not.  Washington receives lots more snow than Utah does.  The also have tree cover that shades it longer.  This chat lead me to put an extra pound in my pack with foot traction aids known as micro-spikes.

I made the mistake of leaving the micro-spikes in the car as I headed up Mt Rose of the TRT.  Enter type 2 fun, not fun to do but fun to look back on.  Call type 2's learning experiences.

I'd rather send gear home or carry the weight than not have it when I need it.

Also in the late runnings, though not set in stone, I may have a place to stay at the end of the trail.

Focus, focus, I reminded myself at work.  There is a time to be on the trail but that time is not yet.  I worked on my list of prep to do as I could.

At home, things came together.  Not only is the pack there awaiting, the house is clean too.  The list is well enough done.

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