Thursday, April 29, 2010

GLSC Art Show

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church is the church I grew up at.  I'm one of these characters who can tell you 'I remember when stories' about the place.  I wouldn't recognize the place if I didn't stick my head in there every so often to say hey and howdy the folks there.

One of the activities that is up and coming in less then a fortnight is the annual art show.  There are many talented people in and through out the church and who like me stay inter-connected with it.  The date of the Art Show is Saturday May 8th.

I will be showing a few of my images.  I am having a tricky time a deciding which ones I want to display.  If you would like to recommend a particular image you'd like to see me display please drop me a line.

Save this date:
May 8th, 2010 between the hours of 12 noon and 8pm.


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