Monday, February 17, 2014

Direction Change

It's time for me to change the direction of this blog.  I've posted many a photography event over the years.  I've posted many a hike photos over the years as well.  I'm making a life change in the next month.   No, I'm not getting hitched.  I haven't secretly dated behind anyone's back.  Nor am I going back on a mission.  I know a few of my old YWAM leaders would enjoy the extra help.  In the next few weeks, I'll edit a few of the side bars, cut a few old ties, and pull in a few lists of new directions.  I've written the grand announcement blog entry already where the direction is revealed.

I still stick to my foundation of faith, hiking, and photography.  The direction still follows my desire to see others encouraged, promoted, and moved to action.  I still pray, Lord make these hands an instrument for you.  I still love birds of prey and their splendor soaring.  I still look at the blog title  of PreyingJaws as appropriate in nature.  The Preying is a reminder that I cannot prey upon peoples' innocence, nor have I ever done so.  I am one of irony, this preying is a reminder that I must not pray to God that he change you (prey) but that he changes me.  Jaws is simply my last name abreviated. 

Do sharks pray? This one does.   Now there are many sharks in the waters, a few gave the rest a bad rap.  I'm not out to change the world.  I am out to change one by one.  May what the reader reads is hope, a different perspective of life, may you see hope encouraged.

Stay tuned, more is to come...

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